Image of Temple Island and the rowing course
Image of Temple Island and the rowing course
Remenham Parish
Remenham Parish

Remenham Fayre 2023

Remenham Village Fayre 2023

Sunday 3rd September, 2.30pm - 5pm, Remenham Parish Hall & Gardens


Please join us for a fun-filled afternoon for all the family, there will be something for everyone including:

  • Dog show
  • BBQ and bar
  • Teas and cakes from the WI
  • Bric-a-brac stall
  • Tug of war
  • Bottle tombola
  • Raffle
  • Children's games
  • Children's fancy dress competition. The theme is 'Favourite Character from a Book' and there will be 2 age categories: under 5s and over 5s
  • Local produce stall & produce competitions (more details below!)


Entry is free and all proceeds will go towards supporting Remenham Parish Hall.


Additional Information

  • Please gather your donations for the bric-a-brac stall. Pat Sly is happy to collect items on Friday 1st September or items can be delivered to the hall on the morning of Saturday 2nd September or delivered to Pat's house.
  • If you have any items to donate for the local produce stall, please get in touch with Charlotte Every (07973 798071) who can collect in the days before or just bring your contributions along on the day
  • Please put aside your bottles for the TOMBOLA and if you don’t know who your local collector is, email Tombola Collection
  • Parking will be available in the field behind the Hall
  • If you would like to come along to the Fayre but will struggle to get here, we are running a lift-sharing scheme, please email


We are looking forward to a fun afternoon, a chance to meet neighbours and friends and a great opportunity to support our local community.


We hope to see you there!


Produce Competition classes

A Fruits & Vegetables


Class 1

Mis-shapen Vegetable

Doesn’t need to have been home-grown

Class 2

Longest Runner Bean

Doesn’t need to have been home-grown

Class 3

3 Home grown Fruits or Vegetables (either the same or a mix)

Remember to include details of the gardener’s experience eg novice grower or child’s gardening or experienced gardener on the entry form

B Floral Displays


Class 4

A Hat Decorated with Flowers, maximum 50cm x 50cm x 50cm


Class 5

A Single Rose in a Vase


Class 6

Floral Display in any Container of any Style

Unconventional welcome!

Class 7

Tallest Sunflower



Remember to include details of the gardener’s experience eg novice grower or child’s gardening or experienced gardener on the entry form

C Cooking & Baking


Class 8

Home-made loaf of bread


Class 9

Multi-generational Sweet-bake baked by 2 Generations

Do not need to be related.  We would love to see photos of the baking in process.

Class 10

Vegetarian Quiche


D Arts & Crafts


Class 11

Vegetable Monster

All ages but remember to let us know if you are <14 on the entry form

Class 12

Mr Potato Head

Class 13

Pasta Snake

Class 14

A Head and Shoulders Portrait of a Person



Photo or painting

Class 15

Fun photo of my pet

Dogs allowed but an opportunity for the cats, budgies and hamsters to join in!

Class 16

A Photo, Painting or Drawing of Remenham showing its Natural Beauty



How to enter

  • Bring your entries and a completed entry form at the bottom of this paragraph to the hall on the day, no later than 3pm please.
  • You will be met by people who will show you where to place your entries, and will be given an entry form to complete if you have forgotten to bring one.
  • For any entries including photos, please print them and bring a printed version or, if you do not have access to a printer, please email them (and the entry form) to
Entry form
produce competition classes and entry fo[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [76.4 KB]

Judging and prizes

  • There is a Cup for each category A, B, C and D above.
  • The Cup is awarded to the highest overall score within that category.
  • ​​With thanks to Mandy Cook who will judge A, B and C; and Allan Henderson who will judge D

Some inspiration


Class 6 Floral Display in any Container of any Size

Class 7 Tallest Sunflower

Class 11 Vegetable Monster

Class 13 Pasta Snake

River Levels Information from the government site




Sunday 28 July

11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) with hymns

Rectory Office – 01491 577340


We continue to hold a service every Sunday at 11.15am (details above).  The church is open daily from 9.30am to 4.00pm for private prayer.  

Rubbish & Recycling

Please click on the graphic above for the latest information - thank you

Traffic & Travel

Please click on the graphic above for the latest information on traffic and travel from Wokingham Borough Council - thank you



In emergencies defibrillators can soon be found at the following:
Remenham & Aston
Hambleden Lock
Opposite Temple Island
Remenham Parish Hall
The Flower Pot, Aston
The Leander Club
Upper Thames Rowing Club
Remenham Parish Council Oct


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Remenham Footpath Maps

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© Remenham Parish